Wednesday 4 June 2014

DAY 229: Los nombres españoles

Spanish names very much entertain me:

Ángel = Angel - boys name - loser

Concha = Either shell or vagina - take your pick

María del Luz = Mary of the Light - that´s a name, it´s not just "Maria"

María del Mar = Mary of the Sea

Nacho = Ignacio - "Nacho" is like the "Mike" of Michael for Ignacios - guacamole anyone?

María Jesús = Mary Jesus - a girl´s name

Jesús María = Jesus Mary - a boy´s name

Ilumindada = Illuminated 

Fidel = Faithful

Mar = Sea

María Juana = sound like anything weedy?

There literally can be María Anything or María Del Anything. Some Marias will mix there first first name, María, with their second first name. So for example, Mabel, famous Mabel, her name is actually: María Isabel, so she becomes MA - ría isa - BEL. 

Other names for some reason I find "interesting": Borja, Almu, Pilar

My favourite surname has got to be "Gordo", which literally means Fat.

All Spanish people have two surnames, one from their dad and one from their mum, and women do not take the men´s names when they marry. So first of all, it´s awfully long to say "María del Mar Illuminada González Pérez"...especially when you have a boring name like "Sarah Law". However, some of the surnames are often repeated, so a person could literally be "Fidel Mar Gómez Gómez". The Gordo surname was of great pleasure to me also in this sense as I came across a person with the surname "Cara Gordo" = Fat Face.

And of course, even though I always sign "Sarah", the Spanish have never quite conquered the "h" on the end. I am not Sara, I am Sarah. Get it right!

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